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Journey to

 - John Lewis


In 2020, the murder of George Floyd, and too many others, shook me. I didn't understand how we as a nation got to this point. I recalled reading James Baldwin's "A letter to My Nephew" in which Baldwin said, "They (white people) are in effect still trapped in a history they do not understand, and until they understand, they cannot be released from it."  For me, ignorance is not an option;  I had to come up with a plan.

While school and work were still virtual, I convinced my parents to pack my siblings and dog in the car and visit places throughout America that might provide a historical context for racism. Along the way, I conducted interviews with people of color to hear their perspectives. I was moved, inspired, and sometimes shocked by what they had to say.


One thing that was common among those I interviewed was their desire for people to see them for who they are, and understand the challenges they face. I promised that I would continue to educate myself and others, and do what I can to strop discrimination before it starts,

This site is part of my commitment. The people I spoke to helped me learn that biases develop at a very young age, often without our knowledge. My hope is that if kids talk about and celebrate differences, whether skin color, learning styles, religions, abilities, preferences, etc., they will grow up to be inclusive adults who respect, rather than fear, diversity. 


As Mother Theresa said, "If we have no peace it's because we've forgotten that we belong to each other - that man, that woman, that child is my brother or sister."  We are all brothers and sisters with beautiful and empowering differences. We all belong.


Thank you to the many people who are helping me to understand including my Girl Scout Gold Award advisor Mia Viljoen and James E. Brown

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